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Our employment lawyers work closely with clients to protect businesses from unnecessary risk, whether legal, financial or reputational and to prevent liability and litigation by providing practical, preventative advice on all employment issues.

When litigation does arise, we provide our clients with a vigorous, thorough, well-reasoned defense before the jurisdictions.

We partner with our clients, wherever they do business, to find solutions and manage risk in relation to their employment, incentives and pensions legal challenges and objectives.

We work with our clients locally and across borders. Our availability and local knowledge means that we can partner with clients to drive consistency, deliver cost savings and help them identify and manage their priorities.

Experience has included advising:

  • A telecommunication company in a number of staff recruitment processes including analysis and vetting of employees’ background.
  • A large number of clients including a Swiss NGO, an international Japanese cooperation agency, an international inspection company, a microfinance institution and a brewer in drafting contracts, regulations and other human resources management tools.
  • A NGO in drafting legal opinions on employment issues.
  • A regional bank in recruitment processes and vetting.
  • NGOs and private companies in representation before the labor court.
  • A public institution with a workshop on the decision registered under RTC 421 relating to the damages interest in case of unfair dismissal in which labor court judges and assessors participated.
  • A number of private companies in drafting regulations and other human resource management tools.

Avis de recrutement de stagiaires

Le Cabinet RUBEYA & Co-Advocates voudrait recruter des stagiaires qui pourront exercer un stage de trois mois auprès des différents secteurs d’intervention du Cabinet cités ci-haut