The Future of the African Legal Team: The first African WIN Insights and Benchmarking Reports

Africa WIN Insights Report
For in-house lawyers working across Africa the message is clear: you are at the forefront of a revolution. A continent with explosive growth in innovation, talent and opportunity, Africa’s legal and business landscape is rapidly evolving and with it, the role of the in-house lawyer.
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Run as part of our successful programme for in-house lawyers – What In-house lawyers Need (WIN), and following more than 20 in-depth conversations with some of the continent’s leading General Counsel (GCs) we are throwing light on the evolution of the African corporate legal function, through the launch of the first WIN Insights Report focusing on Africa.
We look at the changes in-house lawyers are living through, the challenges they face and the future of the in-house legal function. Our report focuses on four themes: the changing role of the GC in Africa; how to structure legal teams for success; recruiting and retaining talent within the legal function and the use of technology as the driver of innovation and change.
Africa WIN Benchmarking Report*
General counsel around the world struggle to identify “best practice” when it comes to building and managing a legal function, but for those working in and across Africa understanding how to structure and organise a legal team is made all the more difficult by a lack of useful data.
The Africa WIN Insights Report is supplemented by our factual benchmarking report* that presents detailed information from more than 300 respondents on everything from the typical size, structure, and composition of African legal teams to the challenges GCs are facing in attracting and retaining high-quality in-house lawyers and the ways in which legal teams are viewed by their organisations.
We spoke to a panel of GCs who shared their perspective on the changes they are living through, the challenges they face and the future of the in-house legal function in Africa, touching on the key themes highlighted in the report. To watch a recording of that conversation please click here.
*The Benchmarking report is only available to registered WIN users.