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A practical guide to employment law and best practice

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10 Jun 2020 - 11 Jun 2020
8am - 5pm
IKM Place
5th Floor, Tower A
5th Ngong Avenue
Nairobi, Kenya


  • Overview: The employment & labour landscape
  • Recruitment: Set up, pre-hire checks
  • Employment status: Employment status options
  • Employment contracts and policies: Employment contracts, probationary periods, policies,  language requirements
  • Working time, time off work: Restrictions on working hours, overtime, vacation, sick leave, other  time off work
  • Pay and benefits: Minimum wage, benefits and pensions
  • Family friendly rights: Maternity leave, other rights for parents
  • Discrimination and harassment: Discrimination and harassment protection, quota for employees with disabilities
  • Managing poor performance: Dos and don'ts, collective employee relations, employee  representation, collective bargaining agreements
  • Termination of employment: Individual termination, collective dismissals
  • Restrictive covenants: Permissible restrictions, conditions required for effective covenants
  • Dispute resolution: Common claims and a summary of the process

Who should attend

Nullam elementum suscipit eleifend. Curabitur et dui ac sem vulputate porta in at mi. Nullam vulputate placerat lorem, at pulvinar libero pellentesque non. Proin posuere imperdiet sapien vel aliquam. Morbi luctus turpis quam, vitae dapibus dolor ultricies eget. Donec nisi libero, sagittis nec dignissim non, dignissim ut lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam in libero non massa placerat malesuada.
