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VAT and Customs Duties

VAT was just approved in Angola and affects almost all transactions involving the provision of goods or services. Our tax practice is fully prepared to deal with this new tax and commercial environment. 

An understanding of how VAT operates is essential if businesses are to avoid failing to charge VAT when appropriate or charging VAT on exempt or zero-rated products; as well as unnecessary costs in terms of not being able to reclaim VAT charged to them.  

Our lawyers in Angola advise clients on the incidence of VAT, how to structure commercial transactions in a VAT efficient way as well as registration and compliance issues. Furthermore our lawyers advise clients regarding customs requirements as well as assisting them in applying for project specific exemptions within the AIPEX.

Experience has included advising:

  • A tourism company with regards to VAT on debit of expenses within an employee mobility plan;
  • A property developer regarding VAT and structuring for tax purposes; and
  • A foreign client regarding VAT on imported services.