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Unveiling the Paradox of Sustainable Sourcing: Who's Truly Responsible?

By Steve Chikengezha

Introduction: A Crossroads of Ethics and Economics

In the ever-evolving realm of sustainability, the mining industry finds itself at a crossroads of ethical practices and economic realities. While the buzzword of "sustainable sourcing" has gained traction, particularly in the context of less economically developed countries (LEDCs), the question remains: who is truly responsible for ensuring the ethical and sustainable sourcing of minerals?

Unintended Consequences of Excluding Regions

The current focus on excluding minerals from regions that haven't adopted initiatives like EITI and OECD raises concerns about potential unintended consequences. While these initiatives aim to promote transparency and accountability, they risk perpetuating economic marginalization in regions already struggling with development.

The Imperative of ESG

The pursuit of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles has further amplified the importance of ethical sourcing, extending beyond environmental considerations to encompass respect for human rights and political freedoms. This holistic approach is crucial for ensuring that the benefits of mining extend beyond mere resource extraction to encompass the well-being of affected communities.

Blockchain: A Potential Game-Changer

Blockchain technology emerges as a potential game-changer in this arena. Its ability to provide traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain can revolutionize the way we track and verify the ethical sourcing of minerals. Rwanda's pilot project with Luma Africa exemplifies this potential, demonstrating the technology's ability to align mining practices with sustainable development goals.

The Consumer's Complicity

However, the reality remains that consumers, the ultimate beneficiaries of mined minerals, are often complicit in the ethical sourcing conundrum. Whether it's solar panels, EV batteries, or smartphones, the minerals used in these products often originate from sources with questionable ethical standards.

A Paradox of Ethical Sourcing

The champions of sustainable sourcing, the very companies advocating for ethical practices, often find themselves inadvertently benefitting from minerals sourced under questionable conditions. This paradox highlights the interconnectedness of the global supply chain and the need for collective responsibility.

Bridging the Gap for Sustainable Sourcing

To bridge this gap and achieve sustainable sourcing, a multi-pronged approach is essential:

  1. Collaboration: Industry leaders, governments, and civil society must collaborate to establish clear and enforceable standards for ethical sourcing.
  2. Transparency: Supply chains must be made transparent, allowing consumers to make informed choices about the products they purchase.
  3. Accountability: Mechanisms must be in place to hold all stakeholders accountable for their role in the supply chain, from miners to consumers.
  4. Empowerment: Affected communities must be empowered to participate in decision-making processes that affect their livelihoods and environments.
  5. Technology: Blockchain technology should be harnessed to enhance traceability and accountability throughout the supply chain.
  6. A Concerted Effort for Sustainable Sourcing


The path to sustainable sourcing is complex and requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders. By acknowledging the shared responsibility and adopting a collaborative approach, we can move towards a future where the mining industry is not only a driver of economic growth but also a catalyst for sustainable development and ethical practices.
