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Public Holidays and Ad Hoc Holidays for 2021

We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties about the next National holidays and ad hoc holidays in Mozambique for the year 2021.

When the public holiday coincides with a weekly rest day (Sunday), it automatically moves to Monday.

Public Holidays



 Mozambican Woman Day

 07 April


 International Workers' Day

 01 May


Mozambique Independence Day

25 June


 Victory Day

 07  September


 Armed Forces Day

 25 September


 Peace and Reconciliation Day

 04 October


 Family Day

25 December


In addition to national holidays, some ad hoc holidays are foreseen for 2021:

  • 2 April - Good Friday;
  • 31 May- Eid Mubarack;
  • Ad hoc holidays dates for cities and Municipal villages.

It should be noted that according to Law No. 23/2007 of 1 August - Labor Law, and Decree No. 7/2015 of 3 June - Regulation of Ad Hoc Holidays, public holidays and ad hoc holidays confer the employee the right to suspend the performance of work without loss of remuneration. Should the employee be active on a public holiday or an ad hoc holiday, it shall be considered exceptional work, giving him the right to half a day, or a day of compensatory rest, depending on the number of hours worked.

It is recalled that, according to the rules and criteria for granting the ad hoc holidays provided for in Decree No. 7/2015 of June 3, it is up to the minister who oversees the labor area to grant these and / or other ad hoc holidays which must be announced at least two days in advance.