The New Regulation on Licenses for Electrical Facilities
We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties that the new Regulation on Licenses for Electrical Facilities was recently approved through Decree no. 60/2021, of 18 August, replacing the previous one, which was in force for last than a year and a half.
The new Regulation aims at to simplifying the procedures for licensing electrical installations, ensuring greater speed and lower costs.
Among the novelties introduced by the new Regulation, we highlight the introduction of definitions of concepts relevant to the activities, such as High, Medium and Low voltage Installations. Also to be mentioned the reclassification of the electrical installations, which resulted in the reduction of the previous ten (10) categories to five (5), as well as introduction of procedures for obtaining Establishment Licenses and Operation License of electrical installations.
The new Regulation also brought the modification of the formulas for calculating the establishment and operating fees, whereby the criterion for the calculation of the establishment fee is no longer the type of the facility but rather the category. The new Regulation came into force on 18 August 2021, the date it was gazetted.