Approval of Ministerial Diploma N.º 85/2023, of 9 June
We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties that the Ministerial Diploma No. 85/2023, of 9 June which aims to ensure the implementation of the Regulation for the Contracting of Public Works, Supply of Goods and Provision of Services to the State, approved by Decree No. 79/2022 of 30 December, has been approved.
Under the terms of the referred Diploma, the validity period of the Tax Quitclaim Certificate, for the purpose of contracting public works, supplying goods and services to the State, shall be 12 months, and can be used in more than one public tender promoted by State Bodies and Institutions, as long as the copies are duly Certified under the terms of the applicable legislation.
It is worth noting that this measure have entered into force on the 9th of June 2023 and aim to optimize public contracting procedures, promote greater efficiency in Public Administration, as well as allow some relief and greater comfort within the business environment.