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COVID-19 et droit au travail

COVID-19 et droit au travail

L’objet de cette note est de faire la lumière sur le contenu de cette ordonnance, et sur les restrictions qu’elle apporte aux pouvoirs reconnus par le Code du travail aux chefs d’entreprise.

Impact of the U.S. Government’s suspension of international aid on implementation partners in Senegal

From the early days of his mandate, President Donald TRUMP decided, by decree, to suspend foreign development aid for the duration of a budget review ("Stop Work Order"). On January 24, 2025, the State Department ordered all American government agencies, including USAID, to stop working on international aid programs and to freeze expenditures for a review period of eighty-five (85) days. This unexpected decision has significant consequences in beneficiary countries, notably Senegal.

DLA Piper Africa excels at African Legal Awards 2024

DLA Piper Africa has showcased its pan-African strength at the African Legal Awards 2024 by securing several prestigious awards, including the highly coveted African Network/Alliance of the Year award and three out of four regional awards.