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Measuring Systems Used to Control the Quantities of Mining Products Extracted to Determine Taxes Established by Law.

We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties that Ministerial Diploma No. 155/2023, of 29 December, which establishes the obligation to have, calibrate, test, verify and inspect all measuring instruments, materialized measures and measurement systems used to obtain exact quantities of mining products and consequently to determine specific taxes on mining activities, have recently been approved.

The aforementioned diploma applies to public and private entities, including laboratories operating in the mining area and came into force on the date of its publication.

Under the terms of the said diploma, all measuring instruments used to obtain exact quantities of mining products, in the national territory, must be calibrated, tested or verified by the National Institute of Standardization and Quality-IP (INNOQ, IP) or delegated/accredited entities, in accordance with standards and regulatory requirements, on a periodic basis. The diploma also provides for infractions and sanctions for non-compliant entities being the heaviest fine corresponding to 240 minimum salaries.