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African legal teams in the spotlight

Join the conversation

Dear [insert first name],

I am writing to invite your participation in a new initiative that will highlight the changing nature of legal teams working in and across Africa.

Together with The Legal500, we are conducting the first truly systematic overview of legal teams that are either working in Africa or, working internationally with responsibility for Africa as part of their remit. The study forms part of DLA Piper’s award-winning WIN (What-Inhouse-Lawyers need) programme. Read more about the programme and register here.

It will also help us to better understand the role of the Africa-facing in-house legal community and how the needs and demands of in-house legal departments working across the continent are changing. The results will provide useful data points that will allow you to benchmark your team against your peers and help to support you in stakeholder conversations, leading to more informed decision making.

As a valued member of the in-house legal community, we would greatly appreciate your input. The survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete.

The exclusive report will only be made available to those who have taken part in the survey. Your responses will be treated as anonymous unless you specify otherwise.

The survey can be completed here


We look forward to sharing the results of this exciting and long overdue study of
in-house legal teams in Africa with you.

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,

Africa WIN Steering Committee